DNA is what distinguishes us at our core. It defines our values, describes how we do things, and should be visible in every part of our personal lives and in our church.

1. We are family

Church is more than an association of like-minded people. Church is home. We are like a good family: loving, friendly, sticking together, forgiving each other. Everyone is welcome here.

2. Positive in principle

We always see the good! We talk about the good! We encourage each other, build each other up, and cheer each other on. Church is supposed to be fun. Because with God, the glass is always half full!

3. We are brave

We count on the fact that God himself is active and that we live out of his supernatural power. We trust God to do great things! We speak clearly about why we believe in God and who God is, we are offensive and challenge.

4. Only the best - no leftovers

For God and for people only the best is just good enough! We do not just give what is left, but everyone likes to give their best!

5. Better together

Doing something together is always better than doing it alone! We love teams, families, worship services, small groups, friends! We want to encourage each other not to stand still, but to take the next steps.

6. What you see is what you get

Nobody is perfect, but honesty and openness are crucial. We don't need actors - but normal, authentic people.

7. Culture of honor

We honor and value every person regardless of their history, views or achievements. Unconditionally and without consideration. We honor whom honor is due.

8. Passion drives us

We love God, people and church! Out of this passion we are enthusiastic when we worship God, motivated when we serve and generous in our dealings with one another.

9. We do not stop

God has placed multiplication as a foundational principle in His creation. We actively and purposefully ensure that Christians, staff, leaders, small groups, worship services, campuses, and churches develop and multiply.